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1   package;
3   import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Plugin;
4   import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
5   import java.util.*;
7   /***
8    * The main plugin class to be used in the desktop.
9    */
10  public class KBplugin extends Plugin {
11  	//The shared instance.
12  	private static KBplugin plugin;
13  	//Resource bundle.
14  	private ResourceBundle resourceBundle;
16  	/***
17  	 * The constructor.
18  	 */
19  	public KBplugin() {
20  		super();
21  		plugin = this;
22  		try {
23  			resourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("");
24  		} catch (MissingResourceException x) {
25  			resourceBundle = null;
26  		}
27  	}
29  	/***
30  	 * This method is called upon plug-in activation
31  	 */
32  	public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
33  		super.start(context);
34  	}
36  	/***
37  	 * This method is called when the plug-in is stopped
38  	 */
39  	public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
40  		super.stop(context);
41  	}
43  	/***
44  	 * Returns the shared instance.
45  	 */
46  	public static KBplugin getDefault() {
47  		return plugin;
48  	}
50  	/***
51  	 * Returns the string from the plugin's resource bundle,
52  	 * or 'key' if not found.
53  	 */
54  	public static String getResourceString(String key) {
55  		ResourceBundle bundle = KBplugin.getDefault().getResourceBundle();
56  		try {
57  			return (bundle != null) ? bundle.getString(key) : key;
58  		} catch (MissingResourceException e) {
59  			return key;
60  		}
61  	}
63  	/***
64  	 * Returns the plugin's resource bundle,
65  	 */
66  	public ResourceBundle getResourceBundle() {
67  		return resourceBundle;
68  	}
69  }