Release History

0.1.5 04.11.2005
0.1.4 20.10.2005
0.1.1 22.07.2005
1.1 02.06.2005
0.1 28.09.2004

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Release 0.1.5 - 04.11.2005

upgrade Fixed bugs: a bug related with the connection with the KB was fixed. Although the particular bug was happened rarely now it is fixed Licensing: The about.html file was updated according to the latest directions provided by John (Intel) ganest

Release 0.1.4 - 20.10.2005

upgrade Fixed bugs: the cache is now cleaned properly and there is no problem when switch from one ontoloy to another Code improvents: The IOntologyTreeListener interface has changed. In particular: - the method "public void classSelected(OdmOntologyClass ontClass) was deleted because it was unnecessary. - the method "pubilc void classSelected(String ontologyID, String ontologyName, String classID, String className)" was changed to "pubilc void classSelected(String ontologyID, String ontologyName, String classID, String className, String classType)". Essentially, it was added the parameter "classType" that provides the type of the selected class i.e. named class, restriction, union, enumerated class, etc. The users of the OntologyViewer must adapt their code to the particular change ganest

Release 0.1.1 - 22.07.2005

add Changed structure to the plugin and made some additional code improvements mckitterick

Release 1.1 - 02.06.2005

add Added Composition wizard and GEF process overview layer. mckitterick

Release 0.1 - 28.09.2004
