Release History

0.2.0 10.02.2006
0.1.10 15.01.2006
0.1.9 09.01.2006
0.1.8 09.12.2005
0.1.7 02.12.2005
0.1.6 18.11.2005
0.1.5 04.11.2005
0.1.4 20.10.2005
0.1 19.10.2004

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Release 0.2.0 - 10.02.2006

upgrade The plugin was ported to Eclipse 3.1.2 ganest

Release 0.1.10 - 15.01.2006

upgrade Update: Update the plugin to use the new version of the kb-toolkit and OntologyViewer plugin ganest

Release 0.1.9 - 09.01.2006

upgrade Fixed bugs: The bug item #1396893 reported by David McKitterick (Intel) was fixed ganest

Release 0.1.8 - 09.12.2005

upgrade Fixed bugs: The bug items #1374604, #1374544, #1374500, #1374238, #1376269, #1357322, #1380229 discovered by Leon Mak (UniS) were fixed. The bug item #1362697 reported by David McKitterick (Intel) was fixed Feature Request #1386208 submitted by David McKitterick (Intel) was supported ganest

Release 0.1.7 - 02.12.2005

upgrade Feature Request #1358857 (BML Editor - Working with files): Now, the BML Editor supports the import/export of the created models in files. ganest

Release 0.1.6 - 18.11.2005

upgrade Fixed bugs: The bug item #1358890, discovered by Leon Mak (UniS) was fixed In addition a bug related with the association "is_related_to" of the Motivation package, discovered by Nagaraj Konda (UCE) was fixed. ganest

Release 0.1.5 - 04.11.2005

upgrade Fixed bugs: a minor bug related with enumerated ontology classes during the generation of the XMI was fixed Licensing: The about.html file was updated according to the latest directions provided by John (Intel) ganest

Release 0.1.4 - 20.10.2005

upgrade Code improvents: Improve the quality of the code. Upgrade: use the new IOntologyTreeListener interface that was changed in the OntologyViewer plugin Fixed bugs: a minor bug in the generation of the XMI was fixed ganest

Release 0.1 - 19.10.2004

add Added initial version of the bml editor. ddahlem